Thursday, September 20, 2012

Community, Sheep and Voices.

Living in a community setting is so different. And sometimes hard. There is so much joy to be found in sharing and living together though. We are meant to be communal, but, if we are in it selfishly, we miss out on  what it could actually be. Living in community is about corporate good not individual gain. It is about looking past the outer layers and shells of people and seeing their real needs, and having a desire to meet those needs. It's looking past personality differences and seeing them the way Jesus sees them. And it's about seeing Jesus in them. If we are focused on Jesus, silly things that frustrate and annoy us become much less time and energy consuming.

On a different note... It always amazes me how God chooses to speak to me and others. And it's incredible how, when we take time and make time to hear from Him, He will speak. Maybe it will be through images, impressions, words or verses. Or maybe He won't speak right then at all. Do we have the faith to let Him not speak right when we expect or want Him to?

I love how God uses others to confirm and encourage you. And then how we can turn around and do the same for others. I think the gift of encouragement is one of the most precious gifts God has given us. Not only does it build up others, but it also gives affirmation to you that God does speak and He does care. When we put encouragement together with deep, heartfelt Jesus-love for others, the way that lives can change are endless. Even better, God's voice will always be strengthening, encouraging, and comforting.

We have to be careful though; we can be so easily deceived.

Jesus compares people to sheep frequently in the Gospels, but it is also a very common comparison in the entire Bible. I've heard tons of sermons and read lots of devotionals about the whole sheep people thing. But hearing God's voice is something that I've been struggling with a lot over the last year or so. How do I know when it's God and when it's something or someone else?

But sheep. Sheep are stupid, but so are we. There is something cool about sheep though - especially sheep from the Bible times. Or maybe sheep in the mountains of Scotland or Wales. Or in Shorty's barn. They know the voice of their shepherd. They also know when the person speaking is not their shepherd. Jesus says over and over, "I know my sheep and my sheep know me" and "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me". I love this verse: "But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice."

If I am a sheep....... I should know my Shepherd's voice. I should be able to distinguish between the One who wants to make me lie down in green pastures and lead me beside still waters and the evil one who wants to lead me far from safety and into the wilderness where lions want to tear me apart and there is no food or water to satisfy me.

Therefore Jesus said again, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Why would I not spend time with my sweet Redeemer so that I recognize His voice? Just like anyone that you love, you can pick out their voice or their laugh in any crowd of people in any situation. Shouldn't that be the way it is between me and Jesus? I want to run far away from anything that keeps me from knowing and hearing His voice. I am desperate to know Him more.

Food for thought: What if God wants to speak more than we want to listen?

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